Unlock 10% Trading Fee Rebate: Join the First-Ever Trading Reward Program for veCAKE Holders!

Hello veCAKE holders,

Exciting news for CAKE Stakers! We're launching our first trading reward program, specially designed for those who have veCAKE. This special offer allows anyone with over 100 veCAKE to get a 10% rebate on trading fees. If you spend 100 CAKE on fees, you’ll get a maximum of 10 CAKE back!

Getting Started with holding 100 veCAKE and active profile

To be part of our trading reward program, you need to hold at least 100 veCAKE and an active Pancake Profile until the end of the campaign. You can check your veCAKE balance on the CAKE Staking page. To ensure your veCAKE balance won’t drop below the 100 veCAKE requirements, check the Trading Reward page for the veCAKE balance at snapshot time.”. At the same time, you can check if you have an active Pancake Profile by clicking here.

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If you're new to this, don't worry! It's an excellent time to join this program by staking CAKE to obtain veCAKE. Holding veCAKE comes with many benefits, such as sharing weekly trading revenue, earning rewards from the veCAKE pool, and having governance power in our project's direction. The more CAKE you stake and keep it staked, the more veCAKE you'll get. Need guidance? Visit our "How to Get veCAKE" guide. It’s your first step towards leveraging your CAKE holdings for enhanced reward. For setting up NFT Profile , you can refer to our NFT Profile guide here.

Unlock 10% Trading Fee Rebate: Maintain your veCAKE balance and trade

Once you have at least 100 veCAKE, you can start trading with our selected pairs on v3 chains. This time more pairs are added, so check them out. We've made a list of these pairs below for your convenience. Unlike Top Traders campaign, you don’t need to be in the top 100 to claim the rewards; simply trade as much as you can before March 31, 2024. Achieve this, and you'll receive a 10% rebate on your trading fees from eligible pairs! For instance, if you've paid a 10 CAKE trading fee on trading the eligible pairs within the campaign period, you will receive a 1 CAKE rebate, which is 10% of your total trading fee, at the end of the campaign. Your trading volume and rebate amount can be easily checked in the trading reward breakdown section here. Note that there is a maximum reward cap on your claimable rebate, which we will explain next.

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The more you stake, the more you earn

Like the previous CAKE Staker Trading Reward program, your maximum reward number is linked to 1% of your veCAKE balance at snapshot time (end of the campaign). For example, if your veCAKE balance at the end of the campaign is 1,000, you may earn a maximum of 10 CAKE. To earn more rewards, simply increase your veCAKE anytime during the campaign.

This program is a fantastic way to boost your trading experience while enjoying the benefits of holding veCAKE. Dive in, trade smartly, and watch your rewards grow!

Happy Trading

The Chefs

Campaign Summary:

Eligibility: CAKE Stakers holding 100+ veCAKE and active Pancake Profile by the end of March 31, 2024

Trading Duration: March 1, 2024, 00:00:00 UTC - March 31, 2024, at 23:59:59 UTC.

Reward Redeem Period: March 31, 2024, at 23:59:59 UTC - 13 April 2023 23:59:59 UTC

How to Participate:

  • Stake CAKE to obtain at least 100 veCAKE on our CAKE Staking page and activate your NFT Profile.
  • Trade with the eligible pairs during the campaign period to secure your 10% trading reward.

Eligible Pairs:


  • USDC-USDT 0.01%
  • USDC-DAI 0.01%
  • CAKE-WETH 0.25%
  • CAKE-USDC 0.25%
  • WETH-USDT 0.05%
  • WETH-USDC 0.05%
  • WBTC-WETH 0.25%
  • rETH-ETH 0.05%
  • WOO-ETH 0.25%
  • ORDS-ETH 0.25%
  • swETH-ETH 0.05%
  • wstETH-ETH 0.01%
  • MASK-USDC 0.25%
  • STG-USDC 0.25%
  • pxETH-ETH 0.01%
  • AIOZ-ETH 0.25%
  • INSP-ETH 1.00%
  • INSP-USDT 1.00%
  • CANTO-ETH 1.00%
  • wBETH-ETH 0.05%

BNB Chain:

  • USDC-USDT 0.01%
  • USDV-USDT 0.01%
  • FDUSD-USDT 0.01%
  • axlUSDC-USDT 0.01%
  • CAKE-BNB 0.25%
  • CAKE-USDT 0.25%
  • BNB-BUSD 0.05%
  • BNB-USDT 0.05%
  • BTCB-BNB 0.25%
  • BTCB-USDT 0.05%
  • BTCB-ETH 0.25%
  • ETH-BNB 0.25%
  • ETH-USDC 0.05%
  • ETH-USDT 0.05%
  • BNX-USDT 0.05%
  • STG-USDT 0.25%
  • slisBNB-BNB 0.05%
  • lisUSD-USDT 0.05%

Polygon zkEVM

  • WETH-USDC 0.05%
  • WETH-USDT 0.05%
  • USDT-USDC 0.01%
  • WETH-MATIC 0.25%
  • USDC-USDC.e 0.01%
  • CAKE-USDC 1%
  • CAKE-ETH 1%
  • wstETH-rETH 0.05%
  • WBTC-ETH 0.05%
  • rETH-ETH 0.05%
  • wstETH-ETH 0.05%
  • rsETH-ETH 0.05%

zkSync Era:

  • WETH-USDC 0.05%
  • rETH-ETH 0.05%
  • USDT-ETH 0.05%
  • CAKE-ETH 0.25%
  • wstETH-USDC 0.05%
  • wstETH-ETH 0.05%
  • wstETH-rETH 0.05%
  • WETH.e-ETH 0.05%
  • WBTC-ETH 0.05%
  • BUSD-USDC 0.01%
  • BUSD-USDT 0.01%
  • USDC-USDT 0.01%
  • USDC-USD+ 0.01%

Arbitrum One:

  • WETH-USDC 0.05%
  • WETH-USDT 0.05%
  • WETH-ARB 0.05%
  • USDC-USDT 0.01%
  • CAKE-ETH 0.25%
  • LVL-ETH 0.25%
  • WBNB-ETH 0.25%
  • XAI-ETH 0.25%
  • ARB-USDC 0.05%
  • MGP-ETH 0.25%
  • USDV-USD+ 0.01%
  • USDC-USD+ 0.05%


  • ETH-USDC 0.05%
  • USDC-USDT 0.01%
  • BTC-ETH 0.05%
  • USDC-DAI 0.01%
  • CAKE-ETH 1%
  • USDC-axlUSDC 0.01%
  • wstETH-ETH 0.01% and 0.05%


  • WETH-USDbC 0.05%
  • WETH-USDC 0.05%
  • USDC-USDbC 0.01%
  • cbETH-WETH 0.05%
  • DAI-USDbC 0.01%
  • DAI-USDC 0.01%
  • WETH-DAI 0.05%
  • CAKE-ETH 1%
  • USDbC-axlUSDC 0.01%


Coming soon


  • A snapshot of your veCAKE holdings and trading volume will be taken on March 31, 2024, at 23:59:59 UTC.
  • You're welcome to join our campaign at any point during its run. The essential requirement is possessing a minimum of 100 veCAKE by the time of the snapshot to be considered eligible.
    • An active profile is required to join the campaign.
  • The maximum reward is capped at 1% of your veCAKE holdings at the campaign's end. You can increase your veCAKE anytime before the campaign concludes to potentially earn more rewards.
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